Hello, my name is Angel Guinn. I joined a program called the All Akron Student Engineering Program (AASEP) which was designed to be a program for giving engineering students a glimpse of the engineering profession, which is currently run by Jonathan Simmions. I was selected to intern with a construction company, G. Stephens Inc. My first two weeks at G. Stephens company has been great! My project is to educate an audience about how humans play a part in the water cycle. A lot of my time, in the beginning, was dedicated to research about my topic, to be completely honest, it was all very new to me. Before I started I had never heard of Combined sewer overflow pipes or consent decrees. As I went deeper into the research I really appreciate the work that all of these people did and I was excited to have an impact with them and to add my work to this collection of people.
My mentor during this project has been Leah Gillig, Should be checking in and guiding me through the entire project. At the start of the project, Ms. Gillig told me that I could do a PowerPoint or to be more creative when I saw these people's work I thought a PowerPoint could not possibly do it justice. As a result of that, I have a plan to do a video aimed towards kids, to create a fun and interesting way of learning about something that is widely considered boring among younger kids (as my 13-year-old sister has told me) The video will explain the process of the water cycle in a more realistic way by including the processes of the water reclamation plant in the water cycle process. Doing this can really add to what our Akron students know about the water cycle. I am very excited to see it finished and for it to be used with kids and adults alike!
by: Angel Guinn